Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Few Exercises

After enjoying an unexpected Winter Break last week, I am finally able to post some new work. This work finds me in the role of a student. After reading Judy Morris' book, "Watercolor Basics; Light", I found a real connection with what this artist is trying to do. I always liked watching Bruce Neville lay down some very intentional highlights and shadows and that's one of the things that drew me to him as an instructor, so it shouldn't be suprising (to me) that Judy's work resonated with me in a similar way. What I am posting here is a result of following two of the demonstrations that Judy does in her book. I followed here method quite a bit, but still managed to infuse some of my color sensibilites into these. The bird houses are on 14 x 20 fabriano cp paper and the flower box is done of 12x16 arches cp.

1 comment:

Darin Dykstra said...

Exercise or not, I like the bird houses. You can tell that it is close to a noon days sun above. Nice shadowing.